I'm doing a very short update tonight to say that there won't be an update tonight. Too much driving, too much of LA to enjoy, too late (02:00 in the morning!!) means I just simply have to crash into bed without writing anything. More updates will however follow =).
4 Swedes travel Coast2Coast
4 Swedes out on an adventure of a lifetime! The plan is simple; fly to New York, pick up a rental car, enjoy and experience life while driving to Los Angeles!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Las Vegas - day2
Heading out on the strip was a shock. The temperature had climbed another few degrees since arriving the day before, and was now showing the insane number of 105°F which is 40.5°C! When the wind would pick up, it felt like someone was blowing a fan on its hot setting, straight into your face...and it was still morning! Of course, that was exactly what we asked for, so we only complained the minimum swedish amount (we Swedes always seem to have to complain about something regarding the weather >_<). After sitting by the curb for 10min, waiting for the valet to pick up our car, we were soaked in sweat. It was wonderful to jump into a car with the AC cranked at its coolest setting, but considering the fact that all 4 swedes on this trip has had a cold at one point, we can all attest to how bad that extreme temperature-change really is.
The reason why we ventured out into the blistering heat was so that we could pick up the laundry we left at a "wash and fold service" the previous night. It was with high anticipation and worry that we entered the little laundry place in eastern Las Vegas (thank you google!) to grab our bags of supposedly clean laundry. I had the smallest amount of clothes (which happened to be _all_ the clothes I brought on the trip besides the nice dress pants and shirts I had), only 6 pounds, which set me back the total sum of $8. A little less than 3kg of dirty laundry for 52SEK. Fantastic! It all smelled wonderful and was neatly folded, and as far as I know, nothing was missing. Tomasz had the most, clocking in at 9.5 pounds, which amounted to around 12dollars. We all agreed with his statement, that if a similar service existed at a similar price back home in Sweden, none of us would ever do laundry on our own ever again!
With our suitcases filled with fresh clean clothes, we went down to Mandalay Bay's famous pool area. Since we couldn't enjoy the pool area and bring our cameras at the same time, we actually don't have a single photo of the pool. To compensate, I'm using 2 photos from the website http://mandalaybayphotos.blogspot.com. That site also has a short description of the hotel, which is better than what I'll be writing here anyway >_<.

Time flew and 4 hours later, the 4 swedes (now beet red) made their way back to the hotel room. A quick shower and we were ready to hit the town. Tomasz, Dan and I went to the very special restaurant called "Heart Attack Grill". It was an amazing experience, definitely something you'll never find in Sweden. Upon entering the premises, you're asked to put on a hospital gown and you actually get tagged, just like you would at a hospital. The customers are even referred to patients, and the waitresses, you guessed it, are nurses! It's a perfect showcase of what Vegas is, because they even had a huge sign that read "customers that weigh more than 350lbs (which is almost 160 kg!) eat for free !!! The restaurant is controversial because of its name, their policy toward the mordibly obese and their food. Everything is geared toward bad health. Obviously we had to try it out!
The menu itself caused plenty of laughter among us, since their hamburgers were called "double bypass burger" if you ordered two beef patties, "triple bypass burger" if you had 3 layers of beef, and so on up to the largest burger, that had 8 layers of fat-dripping meat mixed in with cheese and fresh onion, a piece of lettuce and a slice of tomato. Insane hamburgers, but definitely tasty! There was even an option to smother the lowest layer with chili (the best way to explain "chili" is to say that it's what we swedes would call "chili con carne without beans"). I had the single bypass with chili and loved my burger. I skipped on the fries though (which happened to be deepfried in pure lard!!!) since their rule on "finishing your plate" scared me. If you left food, they didn't offer you a doggybag like all the other places in the states...instead, they offer a paddle! They spank you on the ass and they sure use a lot of force when administering the punishment. Dan ordered the triple bypass (albeit without chili) and a large serving of fries. I was _sure_ that he wouldn't be able to finish it, but sadly, he came through and no Swedes were injured during that visit. The guy sitting next to us however...well, watch this:
https://vimeo.com/71000514 (it'll be available within the next 45min of writing this)
Pontus didn't come along to the Heart Attack Grill, instead he walked along the strip to see what Vegas looked like before dusk and had a good time. Las Vegas is just simply one large playground, with fantastic sights all over the place, like the fountain show outside of the Bellagio. I guess the only thing that he objected to were the bikini-clad girls selling hotdogs on the side of the street that went after him, toting waterguns high in the air. He got squirted good! He still has a good time though. I'll say it again and again, Vegas is a playground and can be enjoyed by everyone in my opinion.
I was planning on writing about our second full day in "Sin City", but once again, it's too late for me to keep writing. More tomorrow...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Viva Las Vegas
The fact that the state line between Nevada and Arizona cuts through the middle of the dam, including two different timezones, makes it even more cool!
We left Hoover dam and badly wanted to arrive at our fancy hotel. We were ridiculously eager...and yet we would stop ourselves from reaching it by another hour, by visiting a shopping mall outside Las Vegas. You see, I needed a pair of nice black shoes to go with the long pants that I bought at Walmart days earlier, and I needed to find said shoes before we started walking around in Vegas. The Sunset galleria outside las vegas was chosen, and we spent far too long looking at various things (including the food court). I felt that I spent too much money when I didn't actually plan on spending any money at all regarding clothes, but at least it looks good.
With a full stomach but an aching wallet, I drove the gang the last couple of miles into Las Vegas and finally we were greeted by the famous sign, visible in close proximity of in my opinion, the best hotel in Vegas - The Mandalay Bay (which of course is the hotel that we stayed at!).
Checking into the hotel was a breeze, like all other hotelexperiences we've had during this trip. If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm definitely going to do so now...booking.com is the best site for dealing with hotels that I've ever come across. They have an equally good android app. Everything just works perfectly, and with the 14 hotel reservations I've made and changed during this trip, I'm definitely one who speaks with experience! If you ever search for hotels then head over to www.booking.com, regardless of what your destination is.
After we checked in, we put on our fancy new clothes and decided to hit the town. And with that, I leave this blog for tonight, with hopefully another update coming soon enough about our second day in Vegas =).
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Djupt nere i hålet
Där under trädet roade jag mig att sola och studera de blåa ekorrarna (såg troligtvis också de så kallade flygande ekorrar). Fick ännu ett exempel på amerikanska vänligheten då jag mötte en kalifornisk familj som också körde coast to coast, en ännu mer imponerande prestation än vad vi försöker oss på, tyckte jag då de hade fyra barn med sig.
Något som gjorde dagen extra minnesvärd var hur allting slutade, med ett väldigt nära möte med en älg. En älg lunkade fram till bussen som skulle ta oss till besökscentrat. Han lät oss ta några bilder av honom innnan bussen började rulla.
Trötta men imponerade av våra prestationer så gick vi till sängs, Jacob glad att han klarade av den jobbiga vandringen, men orolig över hans knäs tillstånd, med en enda tanke i våra sinnen....efter en välförtjänt natts sömn kör vi till Las Vegas!
Going deep down in a hole
So the Grand Canyon is a desert area where various circumstances caused the Colorado river to carve a 446km long, 0.4-29km wide and up to 1,8km deep gorge in the ground. Geologists love this place since it contains material for them to study earth's history going back even billions of years. But most of all, it's one of the most amazing and beautiful natural formations in the world.
The main reason why the view is so spectacular is that you have two rims somewhat in the same level across from each other, at the point we were, the other rim was about 10km away from us, which makes for a very magnificent impression. Inbetween the two rims you have a gorge that you can't see the bottom of (you can see the bottom from the rim at other places, just not where our hike would start).
No photos can make this place justice, but we did our best. Eventually however, we became tired of snapping off photos all the time and seriously started our downwards hike toward Skeleton Point, a so called "moderate" trail descending a couple of km down the ravine. It consisted of 1m wide dwindling roads with hairpin turns; sometimes hillpaths with a gentle slope, sometimes so steep that steps needed to be cut out from the mountainface. It was relatively easy to walk down, a sentiment shared by everyone, and when the sun showed itself, our tshirts flew off.
We had reached halfway when we came upon an area with restrooms and some shade. We met a guide there that looked somewhat like John Locke from the tv-show Lost, who strongly recommended us not to hike any further down, it had become too hot and we didn't have enough water with is. My travelbuddies thought that that was nonsense and went on. I've always liked John Locke, felt a bit less of an elite athlete than the others, was nursing a cold, enjoyed the sights and so I stayed put.
What made it extra memorable after all that was how it ended, with a very close elk-sighting. An elk sauntered up to the bus that were to take us back to the visitor center. He let us snap a couple of photos of him before the bus started rolling.
Tired but impressed with our own feats we went to bed (Jacob glad over having pulled off the troublesome hike but worried about the state of his knee) with one singular thought in our minds...after a well deserved night's sleep, we're driving to Las Vegas !
Monday, July 22, 2013
3 museums in 3 days
After a hot near sleepless night in Roswell's blistering desert heat, we slowly made our way "downtown". Roswell is a very small area, with two major roads (and lots of smaller ones of course), Main Street and 2nd Street. Right in the center (meaning at the crossroads between Main and 2nd, you'll find the one singular reason for our visit - The Alien "Museum". Another day, another museum, yet another set of qutotation marks. This was so far the cheesiest, most ridiculous museum we visited. Another place based on conspiracy theories regarding government coverups and if Aliens live among us. That's the reason why we drove to Roswell, that's why we were in that little dump! We were there to find aliens. Sadly, nothing was on offer, we took a couple of pics and then went on our way.
A cultural couple of days that just meant stops along the way to a long awaited stop - The Grand Canyon! More on that tomorrow.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Long time, no blog
I would like to begin this post by apologizing to all readers of this attempt at chronicling our adventures. There hasn't been an update in over a weeks time now! That's what happens when you arrive late to hotels and feel too tired to start typing. Because of a lack of ability to charge the laptop in the car, I was not able to scribe when not driving. In the end, Pontus became tired of not seeing any updates, so he went into walmart and bought a Nexus 7!! For those not in the know, it's a tablet =). Now we can truly blog on the road =D.
This post is just to inform you all that the creative side of this team hasn't died but rather just gone on hiatus. As we're in three brink of to the final week in this impressive country, the blogging will now go into hyper drive. The goal is to publish a new post every day, starting today Saturday 20th.
I hope we still have an audience interested in what we do over here in the west, that will come back every day to see what has happened during our travels. Until then, enjoy whatever updates we post on Facebook =).